Eros Nyx.
Fun-loving, flirty Miqo'te always down for a dance.
Eros, born Nieh'li Nyx, is the youngest son of his mother, Nieh, and is thus the one doted upon the most. Also the one who gets away with most anything. In an effort to make something of himself, he took off adventuring, and has fallen out of contact with his family for many years. He doesn't let his solitary lifestyle keep him down though.

Personal Details:
Race/Clan: Miqo'te, Keepers of the Moon
Nameday: 7th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Age: 25
Guardian: Menphina, the Lover
Grand Company: Immortal Flames
Chocobo: Psyche

Likes: Flirting, dancing, beauty, warm fires, night skies, fluffy sheep, showing as much skin as possible
Dislikes: Sleeping on cold ground, ugly gear, gray skies
Favorite foods: Warm honey croissants, sweet jellied harcot, dzo steak
Favorite drinks: Crimson cider, any "fun" hard beverage
Attracted to: Any gender
Secretly: A little bit of a romantic
Classes/Jobs: Paladin, Dancer, Bard, Miner, Weaver
OOC Details
Server/World: Crystal/Mateus
Time zone: Pacific PDT/PST
Frequent emote flirter
No ERP (unless extremely comfortable with other participants), but gpose with him is free game. Skies the limit.